Vision Message
We are and will be a school where design and social research drive approaches to studying issues of our time, such as democracy, urbanization, technological change, economic empowerment, sustainability, migration, and globalization. We will be the preeminent intellectual and creative center for effective engagement in a world that increasingly demands better-designed objects, communication, systems, and organizations to meet social needs.
Our vision aligns with shifts in the global economy, society, and environment, which animates our mission and our values:
• Creativity, innovation, and a desire to challenge the status quo will affect what and how we teach and the intellectual ambitions of the university itself.
• Social engagement should orient students' academic experiences to help them become critically engaged citizens, dedicated to solving problems and contributing to the public good.
• SBPS must embrace these principles and innovate to address shifts in the global economy, society, and environment that require individuals to grapple with complex problems, pursue more fluid and flexible career pathways, and collaboratively create change.
Educational Approach
We will fulfill our mission by extending SBPS’s legacy as a nontraditional university and community, nimble and responsive to change, that:
• Focuses on and engages with critical contemporary issues.
• Prioritizes humanity and culture in designing systems and environments to improve the human condition, an approach that draws on design thinking and the liberal, creative, and performing arts.
• Places collaborative, project-based learning and learn by fun at the center of the educational experience.
• Takes full advantage of our Khandwa City location and connectivity to global urban centers.
Mission Message
• Our mission to create an environment for the overall development of new generation where the young mind explore their skill and execute their potential to make new society .
• Our Mission is to foster the all-round development of children by facilitating their learning in an exciting, inspiring, challenging and innovative environment.
• To provide a safe, secure and inclusive environment in which each child can enjoy learning and strive for excellence.
• To provide opportunities for children to step beyond the confines of classroom learning and the immediate context to explore new places and adventures.
• To build a community of competent and caring educators, with rich experience and multi-cultural perspectives, and provide them continued professional development opportunities.
• To continuously improve the quality of education offered by regular review of curriculum and adopting best practices.
• To inspire young minds to think creatively and laterally, solve problems and develop a lifelong enthusiasm for learning, and thus prepare them for future challenges and opportunities.