
  • Registration and Admissions commence in December.
    The Minimum age for Admission :
    5 plus for Class I, and so on. One may obtain the prospectus and the registration admission form at the school and submit the completed form to the school office. The completed form must be submitted before the date notified for this purpose, together with a copy of the birth certificate, or any indisputable evidence of date of birth, recent passport size photograph, transfer certificate and the report of the last examination taken. Original birth certificate must be produced for verification. Registration does not guarantee admission. Parents will be notified of the date and time of evaluation interview / test. Admissions are made on the basis of merit alone and not on the priority of registration. ADMISSION PROCEDURE: 1. Admission Procedure
    Admissions are purely based on merit. Admissions are to be sought through duly filled up Registration Cum Admission Form, that is to be submitted in the School Office on or before the specified date.
    • Students above 5 years of age (as per Government Rules) will only be admitted to Class I.
    • For Higher Classes add One Year for each Class.
    • No Candidate will be admitted without a Transfer Certificate from the last School attended, counter-signed by an appropriate authority and in no case shall a Student be permitted to attend Classes pending Formal Admission.
    • If a Student comes from an unrecognized school he/she can be given provisional admission after Eligibility Test subject to approval by the Education Department.
    • The Transfer Certificate of a Student coming from a School outside Madhya Pradesh must be countersigned by the Educational Authorities of the District in which the School is situated.
    • In case of late Admission of a Student, the fee from the beginning of the First Term shall be charged unless otherwise ordered by the Principal.
    Mandatory Documentation for Admission
    • Transfer Certificate (TC)
    • Marksheet (Previous School)
    • Birth Certificate (Student)
    • Samagra ID (SSSM ID)
    • Aadhaar Card (Student, Father,Mother)
    • Caste Certificate (Student)
    • Bank Passbook (Student)
    • Recent Photo 6 (Student)
    • Parents transfer certificate for direct admission
    SCHOOL FEES A) Payment of fee
    Tuition fee is to be paid in four quarterly installments .i.e. April, July, October, and January from 1st to 15th of the particular month. Parents can pay fee till the last day of the month without late fee by making a written request to the school. • Parents can pay fee by Cheque up to the end of the month in which the quarterly fee due, after which the fee will be accepted in CASH only.
    • If, due to any unavoidable reasons, a parent is unable to pay the fee on the due Date, he/she should make a written request to this effect.
    • Fee will be charged for April to June in case of withdrawal request in April/May.
    B) Late Fee
    • If the fee is not paid by the due Date, a late payment fee@Rs. 5 per day will be charged and a reminder will be sent to parents. If the fee is not deposited for one month after the last Date, a lump sum fine of Rs. 250 for one quarter as late payment fee will be paid.
    C) Reminder

    • The first reminder will be sent to parents on 16th of the month in which the fee is due. The second reminder will be sent on 1st of the second month in which fee is due. The third reminder will be sent on 15th of the second month. The final reminder will be issued on 1st of the third month. If the fee is still not deposited till the last day of the 3rd month, the name of the student will be struck off the rolls.
    • Names of defaulters till the end of academic session will be struck off the nominal roll for the next session.
    D) Payment of advance fee and part payment

    • A parent can pay fee in advance for all the four quarters but part payment on an installment is not permitted. However , one can be re-scheduled as per the convenience of the parent
    . E) Bouncing of cheque

    • In case a cheque is bounced , the parents will be informed about it. They will then be asked to pay the fee in cash along with the late payment fee for the period and bouncing charges. These cases will be treated at par with the defaulter of late payment of fee. Once the cheque is bounced , the fee for remaining quarters will be realized in CASH only. No cheque will be accepted for the balance installment. And Bank Penalty have to bear by parants. F) Admission Fee

    • Admission fee will be charged only once at the time of admission. G) Mess fee and Bus fee
    Mess and Bus fee will be charged on quarterly basis.
    H) Other levy by the government
    • In case of any charges / services the government levies tax on any fee. It will be borne by the parents.
    I) Admission in the mid-session

    • In case a child is admitted in the mid session, the fee will be charged from the month in which admission takes place. The parent should produce receipt for the fee paid in the previous school.
    • In case a parent has paid fee till the month in which admission takes place, the parent will be charged from the month of admission irrespective of whether the parent has paid fee for the that month in previous school or not.
    • There will be no direct admission in the class X & XII from the same city. J) Issue of receipt

    • The accounts department will issue a proper receipt for any payment of fee. The matter should be brought to the notice of school authorities in case receipt is denied. Parents should ensure that they obtain receipt before leaving the fee counter. No representation in this matter will be entertained without the fee receipt. K) Other charges

    • The fee realized in installment does not cover the charges for any extra activities in which the child takes part such as a picnics, tours, CBSE Board examination fee, extra coaching in any subject/sports, medical test, news papers, any charges for annual day or other functions. Parent will be sent proper written notice as and when the school collect any amount under these heads. Parents should not send any money through student without a proper written communication from principal.
    L) Refund of Fees

    • In the event of students discontinuing the studies or wishing to migrate to some other school. School, dues shall be collected only up to the month of discontinuance or migration and not up to the month in which the transfer certificate is applied for. This shall apply to all head of fee. M) Fee Revision

    • Fees shall be revisied the express approval of the School Management Committee . 3. UNIFORM DETAILS

    Every child must have the complete school uniform of exact colour, pattern and length. The uniform must be properly washed and neatly pressed, shoes must be well polished. I-card is compulsory for every student (Daily) Nursery to UKG:

    • GIRLS
    Red colour Checks One Piece Frock, Blue Socks with White Band, Black Buckle Shoes.
    • BOYS
    Red colour Checks Shirt, Half Pant, Blue Socks with White Band, Black Buckle Shoes.
    • GIRLS
    Lite Yellow plan Shirt (School Mono) with slaty color Skirt .
    School Tie & Belt, Blue Socks with White Band, Black Buckle Shoes.
    • BOYS
    Lite Yellow plan Shirt (School Mono) with slaty color paint.
    School Tie & Belt, Blue Socks with White Band, Black Buckle Shoes.
    • GIRLS
    Lite Yellow plan Shirt (School Mono) with slaty color Devider .
    School Tie & Belt, Blue Socks with White Band, Black Buckle Shoes.
    • BOYS
    Lite Yellow plan Shirt (School Mono) with slaty color paint.
    School Tie & Belt, Blue Socks with White Band, Black Buckle Shoes.

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